Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015...

                  Hello everyone! No, I have not disappeared from the web, I'm still here- but I have some explaining to do. The reason I have been so absent from YouTube and Instagram is because I have been in the hospital since the day before Thanksgiving. The reason for this? I am sick. With an eating disorder. I spent a week in the hospital until I was physically stable, then I was moved to an eating disorders clinic where I stayed inpatient for three weeks. Just before Christmas, I was moved to the partial program at the clinic, which means I spend the day there and go home at night. Thankfully, I was able to be home for part of the day on Christmas, but it has still been very hard. I don't know how long I will have to be at the clinic, but it will most likely be a few weeks before I am back in school.
                    Recovering from an eating disorder is a very difficult and complex process, physically and emotionally. I'm not going to go too far into detail, but an innocent attempt to eat healthier a couple of years ago slowly progressed into an obsession with food, which led to malnutrition and ended up with me in the hospital with a very low heart rate. I am okay now, but I am still working on the mental part. I'm thinking of making a video about EDs, once I am out of the clinic- to raise awareness and hopefully reach anyone that might be needing help. Eating disorders are very serious and I want to make sure none of you ever have to go through what I'm going through!
                               My obsession with food took so much away from me. I couldn't focus on anything and lost interest in things I used to love, including playing guitar, reading, dolls and making videos. However, now that I am recovering, I have regained my love for all these things. I recently visited the AG store for the first time in months, and I was surprised at how happy it made me to be there! I thought I was losing interest in dolls, but it all came back to me and I realized how much I missed my dolls. I also saw Maryellen in person for the first time.... oh no. I'm in love! I think I might have to get her once I leave the clinic.... I have been taking some dolls with me to the clinic, which cheers me up. I can't wait to get back into filming!
                              Anyway, today is the last day of 2015! So much has happened for me this year. I discovered so much about myself and I feel my personality has really developed over this year. A few highlights:

-discovering a new taste in music and a love for bands like Yes, Rush, and Led Zeppelin
-traveling to the Grand Canyon and Sedona, Arizona on spring break
-traveling to Norway
-traveling to Colorado
-seeing Rush in concert in May
-seeing a lot of other cool concerts this year
-meeting Jon Anderson, the former lead singer of Yes and my biggest idol
-improving my skills on guitar
-starting high school

Overall, this year has been bittersweet. A lot of wonderful things happened and I feel I am a different person from last year. There were also a few negative sides to this year, including my eating disorder and a lot of teenage emotional weirdness (*laughs*). Tomorrow is a chance to start fresh, to be renewed. In 2016, I plan on leaving my ED behind and moving forward and striving towards my hopes and dreams.
                                    Thank you all for your endless support and love during these tough times. I love you all, and I hope everyone has had a good year. What are some of your New Year's Resolutions?

With love,


  1. I'm glad you are better! When you post videos, can you post on here? I like to watch them, but I don't have a YouTube account. Thanks!
    (Have you seen Lea Clark?)

  2. All my prayers are with ya girl! Have an awesome New Years! This is random but if you ever have the chance to NYC GO!!!! It is literally the best place ever and they have a pretty nice AG store!!! Thank you so much for keeping in touch! My AGIG is @ag.stopmotions . I love making stop motions like you! Sometimes I get discouraged but I always come back around! I love you so much and you are for sure an inspiration for me and everyone around you. Ily����

  3. I've gone through the same thing as you. I made an innocent attempt to eat healthy and it spiraled downward. I understand how incredibly difficult it is to recover, but it is very much possible. It took me 3 and a half years, but it's worth it. Understand that recovery is not a linear process. There are many ups and downs. There are times when you'll feel so low and that it's not possible, and there are times when you'll feel like you can recover. You just have to keep trying. All the emotions you have at one moment will soon pass and you'll keep moving forward. In my eating disorder journey, I've learned new ways to deal with my negative emotions instead of restricting. I color or write instead of acting on ED behaviors. I believe you can recover. Take your time.
    ~Anna (WackyWafflez on YouTube)

  4. I'm so happy that you are in recovery. Myself and many people close to me have been really hurt from eating disorders. It's a very scary complex that often times isn't even payed attention to. Thank you for speaking out about it and raising awareness. That was really brave of you and it sets an example for younger girls with eating disorders to know that it's okay to get help. The eating disorder I have dealt with caused me to eat barely anything and then over-exercise on top of that. I lost a lot of weight in a small amount of time, but all I wanted to do was lose more. Looking back on it, it really scares me how controlled I was by it. Some mornings I still wake up and have to tell myself to eat that day. It's a long process of healing, but you are worth it. Life is beautiful and you deserve it long and healthy.
    Best wishes,
    Lydia from centertree AGSM

  5. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I had been wondering what had happened for a LONG time! I feel sooooooooooooooo sorry for you and hope you have a very speedy recovery. I'll definitely pray for you tonight!
    Always remember that your beautiful no matter what you look like. So don't try to make yourself look too skinny.

  6. Aww, I am so sorry to hear about what happened! I absolutely love your videos! Even though I am a little old for dolls! I love them! I have this one doll I think you would love! If you send me back a comment then I'll send you a picture of my doll. Her name is Kristy. She is a My Life doll but I still love her!
    Kayla <3

  7. Good luck and be healthy! My daughter loves your videos and watches them daily. You are an inspiration!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Are you doing ok and why is there there no posts for 2021?
